VANCOUVER, BC – On Sunday December 14, 2014, the AHEPA Family in District #26 held their 26th annual Scholarship Christmas Dinner. District #26 gave away a total of $10,000.00 (ten thousand) in scholarships this year to 10 fantastically deserving students. Those students are:
David Katsionis; Sophia Argiroudis; Christina Tsakalos; Eilsha Argyropoulos; Athina Pilarinos; Stevia Hatzikiriakos; Stefania Kassaris; Natacha Schinas; Alexandra Schinas; Anthya Sidiropoulos
“The scholarship applicants this year overwhelmed us with their academic achievements and their community service. We are seeing a more involved generation of students and we are very proud” said Bernadette Falias, who served on the selection committee and as co-chair. The event was very well attended and put together by a passionate committee that included Paul Michael, John Preovolos, Dino Kourtessis, Niko Mesotopidis, Dimitra Vassilas, Kosta Nikolaou & District Governor George Vassilas.
The evenings also included a tribute to longtime AHEPA Member Larry Campanas. “Larry has served as District Governor multiple times and is the measuring stick for us to follow “said past District Governor Paul Michael. “I love AHEPA, I always wanted AHEPA to prosper, and as much as I can, I will continue to assist AHEPA” said Larry Campanas
Also honored this evening was retired Fr. Dimitris Partsafas. The AHEPA Family named a scholarship after him and he was invited to present the inaugural award to the recipient. “I have always been a friend of AHEPA; I have always supported AHEPA; and I will continue to support AHEPA. Thank you for this honor” said Father Partsafas who was holding back tears.
“It is hard for me to think of another District in the entire AHEPA domain who gives out this much money in scholarships on an annual basis. I have served as Canadian President of AHEPA and visited many Districts in Canada and the US, and I am truly impressed; not only by the talent of the recipients, not only by the amount of scholarships given; but also by the passion of the donors and the committee to host a memorable event” said current AHEPA District #26 Governor George Vassilas.
This is the 26th year that District #26 has been awarding deserving students with scholarships that contribute in a small way to their post-secondary education but also provides the AHEPA family with an opportunity to publicly recognize their accomplishments.
About the AHEPA Family
AHEPA is the largest and oldest Hellenic based organization in the world with over 530 chapters in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Panama, Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus. It was established in 1922 by visionary Greek-Americans to protect Greek immigrants from prejudice originating from the KKK, and in its history, AHEPA has joined with the NAACP and B’nai B’rith to fight discrimination. Moreover, it was founded to help Greek immigrants assimilate into American society.
The AHEPA Family includes the Daughters of Penelope, the Maids of Athena and the Sons of Pericles.
AHEPA was established in Canada in 1928, and now includes chapters in 14 cities with approximately 2,000 members in the AHEPA family. AHEPA Canada promotes a mutual understanding of Hellenic and Canadian cultures and encourages members to participate in the civic and philanthropic activities of their communities and country.
For more information on AHEPA in British Columbia, please contact:
George Vassilas District Governor 778-872-2600 [email protected]