LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – Bill Bakalis was unanimously elected the new President of AHEPA Canada at the 94th annual AHEPA Family Supreme Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Brother Bakalis will represent Canada on the Supreme Lodge of the AHEPA and work closely with the newly-elected Order of AHEPA Supreme President Andrew C. Zachariades.
“I am honoured and humbled to be selected by our Canadian brothers to carry forward the important mission of AHEPA in our country,” says Bill Bakalis. “The Order of AHEPA has played and will continue to play an important role in the lives of Greek immigrants and families of Greek heritage across North America.”
Bill Bakalis lives in Kitchener, Ontario and served as past KW Chapter President and, most recently, District No. 23 Governor. Bill was born and raised in Trizinia Poros. After serving his military term, he immigrated to Canada in 1987. Bill studied economics and joined Sun Life in 1999, where he remains today as Financial Advisor. Bill is a proud family man – father of two boys – and he is both a soccer and motorcycle enthusiast. He returns to Poros as often as he can to visit his parents and family.
“We wish Brother Bill every success in forwarding our mission” said past AHEPA Canada President Ken Matziorinis, at the Installation Ceremonies on Friday, July 29th. Many Canadians Ahepans were also on hand in Las Vegas to celebrate the swearing in of the new Canadian president: Nick Aroutzidis, Frank Antoniou, Tony Mavromaras, Anastasos Moussas, Dino Kourtessis, Christos Argiriou, and Chris George.
AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) is an international Hellenic heritage group that provides community service across folkeautomaten North America. The mission of The Order of AHEPA is to promote Hellenism, education, philanthropy, civic responsibility, and family and individual excellence. The organization was founded in the Atlanta, Georgia in 1922 and the first Canadian Chapter in Toronto was founded in 1928.
AHEPA works coast to coast in Canada, serving its members and communities. Today, AHEPA Chapters are active in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Windsor, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Burnaby, and Victoria.
For more information on AHEPA Family Chapters in Canada visit:
The AHEPA Canada President serves on the Supreme Lodge of AHEPA. For more information about AHEPA: Basil N. Mossaidis, Executive Director Order of AHEPA, 1909 Q Street, NW. Suite 500, Washington, DC 2009.
To contact Bill Bakalis, e-mail: [email protected]