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MONTREAL, QUE – The Montreal AHEPA Family is proud to announce that it has fulfilled its six-year drive to raise $250,000 for the Shriners Hospital for Children in Montreal. The balance of $58,000 that helped reach this goal was raised at the 12th Annual St-Valentine’s Charitable Ball that took place on Saturday, February 12, 2011 at the Palace Reception Hall in Laval. Over the past twelve years the St-Valentine’s Ball has raised $400,000 for children’s causes. Other institutions that have been supported in the past include the Montreal Children’s Hospital, the St-Justine Hospital, the Giant Steps Foundation and the Children’s Wish Foundation.

“We are delighted with the exceptional response that we received from our sponsors and members of our Hellenic community in Montreal, without whose support this accomplishment would not have been possible” said Montreal AHEPA Family Co-Presidents Dr. Ken Matziorinis and Dr. Hellen Christodoulou. The Shriners Hospital is the leading treatment centre for children with orthopaedic and neuromusculoskeletal conditions including arthritis in the world and treats children free of charge thanks to the ongoing fundraising effort of the Shriners.

“We congratulate the Montreal AHEPA Family for their high ideals and continued support and dedication toward the Shriners Hospital for Children” added Dr. Robert Drummond, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Hospital. The Shriners Hospital “is and will continue to be a true centre of excellence that uniquely combines teaching, clinical practice and research all under one roof and to show our deep-felt gratitude the Board of Governors has decided to name the Education Centre located inside the Hospital after the AHEPA Family” said Dr. Drummond, following the cheque presentation the evening of the event. The school staffed with competent education specialists helps students keep up to date with their studies during their stay at the hospital and relieve the stress and anxiety caused by hospitalization.

“The St-Valentine’s Ball Committee has done an outstanding job to raise funds and to organize a first class event with more than 310 people attending” said the Co-Chair of many past Ball fundraising events and Event Coordinator Peter Scoufaras. “The AHEPA Family St-Valentine’s Ball has become the premier charitable social event of the Greek community in Montreal and this year we are gratified that the results have exceeded our expectations” added Helen Hiotis, past Co-Chair and Editor of the event’s commemorative 76-page Album.

Nick Aroutzidis, President of the Canadian Order of AHEPA said “I am proud of the work that Montreal’s AHEPA Family has done over the years, two of the most important missions of AHEPA, Education and Philanthropy are being fulfilled tonight for the benefit of children across Canada. The 300,000 strong Greek community of Canada is proud that the Shriners and AHEPA, two pre-eminent North-American organizations have partnered to support such a worthy cause”.

“We would like to express our thanks and deep gratitude to this year’s St-Valentine’s Ball supporters and attendees” said the Co-Chairs of the event Dr. Kenneth Matziorinis and Dr. Hellen Christidoulou. The sponsors include Elizabeth Sakoyannis, well known volunteer, Nick Tsatas, founder of the Madisons New York Grill & Bar Restaurants, the SMi Engineering Group, Nick Vouloumanos of Apollo Microwaves, Emanuel Leylem of West Island Express Courrier, Bryan Kerkhoven of BMW Laval, Tony Loffreda of the Royal Bank of Canada, Bill Mavridis of Caldera Resources, the Caisse Desjardins Group, the National Bank Financial Group, Constantine Kyres of Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP, Kosta Dariotis of CIBC Wood Gundy, Tom and Gwen Nacos and Family, Mr. Gerald Daoussis, Michael Sayig of Centreville Volkswagen, Elie and Jamil Cheaib of Adonis Supermarkets, Billy and George Dedes of Les Viandes Central Bernard Inc., the Toronto Chapter of AHEPA, Me Gerry Sklavounos, MNA for Laurier-Dorion, Via Rail and Diamond 2 Scalzo Bros Inc.

This year’s Ball was held under the auspices of the Honourable Thanos Orestis Kafopoulos, Consul General of Greece. The members of the Honourary Committee were the Honourable Senator Leo Housakos, the Honourable Eleni Bakopanos, PC, Director of Government Relations, McGill University, Mrs. Mary Deros, City Councillor and Member of the Executive Committee of the City of Montreal and Dr. Robert Drummond, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Montreal Shriners Hospital.
Members of the Organizing Committee were: Maria Anagnostou, Frank Antoniou, Hellen Christodoulou, Gloria Countourellis, Dennis Georgakis, Helen Hiotis, Lazarus Kalipolidis, Nick Katalifos, Jane Kyriopoulos, Ken Matziorinis, Peter Papas, Angie Scoufaras, Peter Scoufaras, Pota Theodorakopoulos, Georgia Tridimas, Effie Varelas and Demetris Yantsulis. Entertainment was provided by the SophistOccasion Orchestra and Absolut Disco.

AHEPA, the American Hellenic Educational and Progressive Association was founded in 1922 in the United States and was established in 1928 in Canada. It is the largest and oldest heritage volunteer organization of the Greek Diaspora with over 500 chapters and 16,000 members in North America, Greece and Cyprus and sister organizations in Australia and New Zealand. Originally founded to combat discrimination and bigotry and assist in the integration of Greek immigrants in their new homes, AHEPA today focuses on maintaining the ideals of Greek culture, language and civilization among the 3.5 million community of Americans and Canadians of Greek origin. The AHEPA Family is composed of the Order of AHEPA, the Daughters of Penelope, the Sons of Pericles and the Maids of Athena.^


For more information, please contact:

Dr. Ken Matziorinis, 514-884-6962 [email protected]

Dr. Hellen Christodoulou, 514-887-4577   [email protected]

Demetris J. Yantsulis, 514-779-1841 [email protected]