By Bro. Demetris J. Yantsulis-Governor & Director P.R, p. President CJ7 d/d May 13, 2019-Meeting at HCGM-Mikri Vouli.
Distribution: CJ7 President, V.P., Secretary, Treasurer, Chm. Board of Governors, Ahepa Canada President and Ahepa D #23 Governor, our Canadian President Bro. Chris Argyriou, with Cc: to our Order’s Headquarters., c/o the Office of our esteemed Executive Director Bro. Basile Mossaidis, especially to the very esteemed Brothers, i.e. our Supreme President, and our Chairman of the Board of Trustees, whom all we recognize for their participation periodically in greatly successful visits continued to our Mother Country Greece, Cyprus, Patriarchate a.o.
Good Evening, Bro. President CJ7, and Bro. Ahepans,
The issues of our CJ7 Newsletters –Chapter’s Mo. Herald, have covered greatly its activities and participation to events, jointly with the Montreal Ahepa family chapters, through very important varia Community events, reported through the said new newsletter by the CJ7 newly elected President Bro. James Hutchison, and the upcoming new Executive to be announced soon.
CONGRATULATIONS and all the bet for the new chapter year 2019-2020 !
The P.R. Committee will continue to participate in a number of campaigns via e-mail and presence in person, in order to promote the activities of the AHEPA Hqtrs, the AHEPA Canada & District #23, and the Montreal Ahepa Family, Also, to promote our Order to a good number of activities of Organizations and Communities in the Greater Area of Montreal and the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal re Education a.o., as well as to other Canadian, Quebec, and Greek Diaspora valuable events. Specifically, by Bro. James Hutchison , our new President CJ7, a dynamic organizer of events along with his Executive, and the participation of the P.R. Committee , under the undersigned Director.
Our Brothers and Sisters of the 4 divisions of the Montreal AXEPA FAMILY, are proud and ready to participate vividly, on Sunday , June 2, 2019 AHEPA DAY CELEBRATION , both at the Cheurxh and the reception to follow, along with their families and Ahepa friends. Soon, the official announcements will be made , both in EN & EL, under the coordination of the Co-Chairs Bro. Frank Antoniou and Sr. Amalia Markakis, supported by the P.R. Committee. The Ahepa Day is dedicated in honoring few 50 year loayal AHEPA members, and to an Annual Scholarship of our Dauthgers of Penelope.
The Ahepa News received periodically and channeled to MME and to EMME in Greek, as well as, by sharing reports and photos though Face Book and other social media. We are all very proud of our CJ7 Mount Royal Chapter in this Olympic City of Montreal- District # 23- Ahepa Canada, and conclude that our CJ7 very valuable President until now, Bro. Ioannis Panagiotou and his Board, have operated very successfully the CJ7 for the Years 2017-2018-to date, CONGRATULATIONS!
Have a great Spring-Summer ! Με τις καλύτερες ευχές σε όλους σας και τους δικούς σας!
Demetris J. Yantsulis CGA-IIMPP-IIPP