
2023 AFCFC Scholarship winners

Alexia Pantieras from Ottawa is the recipient of the Nick Logothetis Scholarship in Business Studies. Alexia is now enrolled at Queens University in Commerce with an eye to future studies in Law. She is an active member of the Maids of Athena and is involved in her Greek Canadian community. She also has interests in music, choreography, and sports. Alexia believes in continuous learning and the interconnectedness of disciplines.

Maria Tsiokas from Richmon Hill, ON is the recipient of the Nick Logothetis Scholarship in Education. Maria is studying for her Master at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) having just completed an Honors Bachelor of Science degree. She is a Maids of Athena. She is looking forward to learning and research that will have positive impacts in the classroom for students.

Maria Lambos from Scarborough, Ontario is the recipient of the Katsepontes Family Law or Medicine Scholarship. Maria will be studying at Western Law in London, Ontario.

AFCFC Members Summer 2020 Newsletter

Click to view the Newsletter : AFCFC UPDATE Summer 2020

AFCFC Newsletter Autumn 2020

Click to view the Newsletter : AFCFC UPDATE Autumn 2020

Daughters of Penelope Donates $10,000 to Meals on Wheels America

The Daughters of Penelope (DOP), a leading international service organization comprised of women of
Hellenic heritage and Philhellenes, proudly presented a $10,000 donation to Meals on Wheels America,
February 13, 2020, announced Grand President Celia Kachmarski. Grand President Kachmarski
presented the donation to Meals on Wheels America President and CEO Ellie Hollander. This is the third
$10,000 donation in as many years to Meals on Wheels America, which is the leading organization to
address senior hunger and isolation.

Read the full article

Kachmarski Elected Grand President of Daughters of Penelope Calgary native becomes first Canadian to lead the organization

The delegates of the Supreme Convention of the Daughters of Penelope (DOP) elected
Celia Kachmarski, Grand President for the 2019-2020 administrative year. Elections
were held July 5th, at the 97th Annual AHEPA Supreme Convention, Chicago, IL.

Read the article

Ahepa-Mount Royal Ch.CJ7, Montreal regular-Mo. Mtng. No 1 MAY 13, 2019 P. R. Reporting in brief, Year 2019-2020 CJ7 re Activities and related events,

By Bro. Demetris J. Yantsulis-Governor & Director P.R, p. President CJ7 d/d  May 13, 2019-Meeting at HCGM-Mikri Vouli.

Distribution: CJ7 President, V.P., Secretary, Treasurer, Chm. Board of Governors, Ahepa Canada President and Ahepa D #23 Governor, our Canadian President Bro. Chris Argyriou,  with Cc: to our Order’s Headquarters., c/o the Office of our esteemed Executive Director Bro. Basile Mossaidis, especially to the very esteemed Brothers, i.e. our Supreme President, and our Chairman of the Board of Trustees, whom all we recognize for their participation periodically  in  greatly successful  visits continued to our Mother Country Greece, Cyprus, Patriarchate a.o.

Good Evening, Bro. President CJ7, and Bro. Ahepans,

The issues of our CJ7 Newsletters –Chapter’s Mo. Herald,  have covered greatly its activities and participation to events,  jointly with the Montreal Ahepa family chapters, through   very important   varia Community events, reported through the said new  newsletter by the CJ7 newly elected  President Bro. James Hutchison, and the upcoming new Executive to be announced soon.

CONGRATULATIONS and all the bet for the new chapter year 2019-2020 !

The P.R. Committee will continue to participate in a number of campaigns via e-mail and presence in person, in order to promote the activities of the AHEPA Hqtrs, the AHEPA Canada & District #23, and the Montreal Ahepa Family,    Also, to promote our Order to a good number of activities of Organizations and Communities in the Greater Area of Montreal and the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal re Education a.o., as well as to other Canadian, Quebec, and Greek Diaspora valuable events. Specifically, by Bro. James Hutchison , our new  President  CJ7, a dynamic organizer of events along with his Executive,  and  the participation  of the P.R. Committee , under  the undersigned Director.

Our Brothers and Sisters of the 4 divisions of the Montreal AXEPA FAMILY, are  proud and ready to   participate vividly,  on Sunday ,   June   2, 2019   AHEPA DAY CELEBRATION , both  at the Cheurxh  and the reception to follow, along with their families and Ahepa friends. Soon, the official announcements will be made ,  both in EN & EL, under the coordination of the Co-Chairs Bro. Frank Antoniou and Sr. Amalia Markakis, supported by the P.R. Committee.  The Ahepa Day is dedicated in honoring few 50 year loayal AHEPA  members, and to  an Annual Scholarship of our Dauthgers of Penelope.

The Ahepa News received periodically and channeled to MME and to EMME in Greek, as well as,  by sharing reports and photos though Face Book and other social media. We are all very proud of our CJ7 Mount Royal Chapter in this Olympic City of Montreal- District # 23- Ahepa Canada, and conclude that our CJ7 very valuable President until now, Bro. Ioannis Panagiotou  and his Board, have operated very successfully the CJ7  for  the Years  2017-2018-to date,   CONGRATULATIONS!

Have a great Spring-Summer ! Με τις καλύτερες ευχές σε όλους σας και τους δικούς σας!



Demetris J. Yantsulis CGA-IIMPP-IIPP



Christos Argiriou re-elected as Canadian President AHEPA

Atlantic City, NJ July 26 2018

AHEPA Canada is proud to announce that Christos Argiriou was unanimously re-elected as Canadian President of AHEPA. The election took place at the AHEPA National Convention in Atlantic City, NJ.

Brother Christos hails from the Winnipeg Chapter of AHEPA and concluded an effective and memorable first year in office. His first year included multiple trips overseas where he represented the Canadian membership with professionalism and respect. Christos is well known for his relationship building as well as his calm and measured approach to all situations.

In his first act as President for 2018-2019, Christos is asking all members in Canada from all four Orders, to support the AHEPA Family Charitable Foundation of Canada (AFCFC) Greece Fire Relieve Program. Launched just days after the horrific disaster in the Raffina area, the AFCFC will provide tax receipts to Canadians for their donations to this cause.

The AFCFC has a strong history of ensuring that all funds raised reach their intended causes. Not only in Canada, but also for various disaster relief programs for Greece and USA.

“Our philanthropic arm, the AFCFC, will once again offer our members tax deductible receipts for their donations for this cause. Please indicate in the memo section of your check (2018 Fire Relief Fund) so that it can be properly recorded. Please share this with individuals in your Chapters and any individual in Canada who would like to donate” said Argiriou

Please send all checks to:

AFCFC – Greece Fire Relief Fund
c/o Nick Aroutzidis
107 Erie Street, Suite 2
Stratford, Ontario
N5A 2M5

Founded in 1922 in Atlanta, Georgia, on the principles that undergirded its fight for civil rights and against discrimination, bigotry, and hatred felt at the hands of the Ku Klux Klan, AHEPA is the largest and oldest grassroots association of American citizens of Greek heritage and Philhellenes with more than 400 chapters across the United States, Canada, and Europe.

AHEPA’s mission is to promote the ancient Hellenic ideals of Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence through community service and volunteerism.


Orlando, Florida – Christos Argiriou was elected the new President of AHEPA Canada at the conclusion of the annual AHEPA Family Supreme Convention at The Walt Disney World Yacht and Beach Club in Orlando, Florida on July 29, 2017. He will represent Canada on the Supreme Lodge of the AHEPA and serves as the chief spokesman for AHEPA in Canada. He succeeds Vassilios (Bill) Bakalis at the helm of the Canadian Order of AHEPA and will work closely with the newly‐elected Supreme President of AHEPA Carl R. Hollister. He also represents AHEPA in the Metropolitan Council of the Greek Orthodox Church in Canada.

Christos Argiriou is a respected business man who is based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Born in Kerkini near Serres, the province of Macedonia in Greece, he immigrated at an early age to Canada to join his siblings in Toronto. He begun his career in real estate sales in Toronto and subsequently moved to Winnipeg where he engaged in the restaurant business and real estate development and management in Western Canada.

Christos joined the Winnipeg Chapter of AHEPA in 1992. In 2014 he was elected President of the Polikos Aster AHEPA Chapter of Winnipeg where he tripled the membership. In May 2015 he was elected Lieutenant Governor of the Royal Canadian AHEPA District 24 and in May 2016 was elected Governor of District 24 which encompasses the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, what constitutes Western Canada.

“I am humbled by the responsibility entrusted upon me to lead the oldest and largest grassroots heritage volunteer organization of the Greek Diaspora in Canada” Christos said at his installation ceremony. “Thank you for the trust and confidence that you have bestowed in me and I will strive to meet and exceed the expectations of this high office” he concluded.

Present during the installation were Past Canadian President Ken Matziorinis who invested Christos with the jewels of his office, Past Canadian President and Chairman of the AHEPA Board of Trustees Nick Aroutzidis, Past Canadian President Anthony Mavromaras, District 23 Governor Emmanuel Constas, District 23 Lieutenant Governor Anastasios Moussas, Byron Yankou, James Hutchison and Haritos Aroutzidis.


Winnipeg Chapter CJ8 – District 24, recently presented $500 to the local Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada

WINNIPEG CHAPTER Order of AHEPA Polikos Aster Chapter CJ8 Inc.” established in 1930 2255 Grant Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3P 0S2

Brother Mike Houvardas, Vice President of Order of AHEPA Polikos Aster Winnipeg Chapter CJ8 – District 24, recently presented $500 to the local Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada on March 23, 2017 through proceeds successfully raised from the AHEPA chapter Grey Cup football raffle gokkast multiplayer gratis spelen.

The charity grants wishes to children diagnosed with life-threating illness.

WINNIPEG CHAPTER Order of AHEPA Polikos Aster Chapter CJ8 Inc.

Our Chapter extends congratulations to the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Community of Winnipeg in celebrating 100 years of service. AHEPA members participated in the anniversary celebration on gokkasten-gratis March 25, 2017 at the Victoria Inn, Winnipeg, MB.